Game Audio Design: Your Next Career Move?

Try to picture yourself attending a dinner party at a friend”s house and being able to say you are the creator of the audio in the game your friend”s kid is playing. As an audio designer for games, you could do exactly that.

The average day in the life of a game audio designer is spent working closely with professionals in the music industry, creating music that will accompany the graphics on soon-to-be famous video games. This is a lucrative career with an average annual salary of $99,000 … higher if you are a New York or California resident.

Understanding the differences

A game audio design career is different from that of an audio producer. Many people conflate the two as one and the same. They could not differ more substantially, however. Audio engineer is a competitive career that requires a specific education and pays double the annual salary of an audio producer.

Two jobs are very similar, but the salary and benefits are not. Obtaining an audio engineering degree means securing your financial future. The additional income and benefits are well worth the time and energy it takes to make it in this competitive field.


Image Source: Pixabay

Learning the process

The amount of time it takes to become a good game audio designer is significant. However, the benefits of becoming an audio engineer are extensive. In addition to a competitive salary, these engineers earn good benefits and can work from almost anywhere.

Receiving an audio engineering degree

Obtaining an audio engineering degree at an accredited educational facility is the best way to make your move into this highly lucrative career field. Specialized classes are designed to serve you with small groups and more one-on-one time with your professors.

Audio engineering degree courses fill up fast, because they accept only a limited number of students. By enrolling in an reputable facility as soon as possible, you can begin your journey to financial freedom and a lifelong career you truly enjoy.

The work you do in audio engineering can include anything from audio game design to even sound for major motion pictures. Your work is ever-changing, which is a big part of what makes it an exciting field. Everyday is different, which is another reason this is such a highly sought-after degree.

To ensure you have your shot at becoming an audio engineer in such a competitive industry, get your audio engineering degree. The knowledge and connections you can acquire while obtaining this degree are priceless.


About Author
James is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on SoftManya.
